
Health Management

Health Management

The Furukawa AS Health Declaration

Furukawa Automotive Systems Inc. (Furukawa AS) believes that protecting and improving the mental and physical health of employees and their families empowers each and every employee to perform to the fullest extent of their abilities, thereby contributing to the sustainable growth of the Company and to society.Based on this conviction, Furukawa AS regards the mental and physical health of its employees as its most important issue. To realize workplaces that are safe and healthy and in which employees can work with pride and motivation, the Company strives to bolster employees’ health management and improve health literacy*.

*Health literacy: The ability to be aware of and examine information related to the maintenance and improvement of one’s health and convert that knowledge into action

Kentaro Sakamoto

Basic Policy

We implement health management with the aim of supporting mental and physical health and achieving zero health issues.


Reduction of rates of absence due to new mental illness by 0.5% or less

Promotional Framework

At Furukawa AS, the Central Safety and Hygiene Committee, chaired by the President, is established as the Company’s highest body for safety and hygiene management. The Committee deliberates, decides and follows up on policies and measures related to safety and hygiene activities. The Committee also promotes health management through the Hygiene Executive Office and Hygiene Management Office of the domestic Health and Safety Committee.

Details of Activities

Health Checkups

To confirm the health status of employees, Furukawa AS conducts regular health checkups, lifestyle-disease checkups, health checkups for employees before overseas dispatch and special checkups.Occupational health physicians and public health nurses provide guidance to employees on health maintenance after health checkups. These professionals encourage those in need of medical attention to seek a checkup, those who have not undergone a medical checkup to get one, and those who have suffered an occupational accident to obtain a secondary checkup. They also perform follow-up and encourage persons subject to special health guidance to get a checkup.

Health Consultations

Furukawa AS has established a Hygiene Management Office. Through this office, occupational health physicians and public health nurses provide consultation on health related to long work hours, mental health and other health-related issues as needed.

Raising Awareness about Health Issues

To create opportunities for employees to learn about health and practice health-building habits, Furukawa AS has designated this month (September) as Hygiene Month.During Hygiene Month, the Company opens a “hygiene booth.” To improve employees’ awareness of health issues, this booth shares health information and statistics on hygiene and rents out a wide range of measuring instruments. Other health-related initiatives include “health challenges,” which encourage employees to set personal health goals, and health-related events (walking events, etc.) organized by the Safety and Hygiene Committee of each workplace. To eliminate passive smoking, smoking is prohibited throughout Company property. Also, education is provided every year for employees to prevent heatstroke.

Establishment of Outside Health Consultation Offices

Through health insurance societies, Furukawa AS offers employees and their families telephone consultation services on disease and injury, as well as a service for introducing specialist physicians. In addition, the Company contracts with outside agencies to make mental health consultation available by telephone or interview.